Construction Inspection
Effective public works inspection services are essential for overseeing a diverse range of capital improvement projects, ensuring coordination among numerous stakeholders. These inspections, conducted during multiple construction phases, ensure that contractors adhere to the contract specifications. They also facilitate a city-appointed representative to monitor the construction site, identify any issues, and communicate them to the construction manager and the city's Project Manager for prompt resolution. RKA's seasoned team offers thorough inspection services tailored to municipal projects of any scale.
RKA's Public Works Inspectors engage in the initial preconstruction meeting to outline the inspection-related procedures and requirements. They conduct daily inspections, recording their findings in detailed reports for the construction manager. These reports serve as a record of the construction progress, processes, and materials used. As the project advances, RKA compiles additional records and checklists of tasks requiring the Contractor's attention. Moreover, RKA's professionals ensure that the Contractor upholds a robust safety protocol and adheres to OSHA standards.